Monday, July 27, 2009

Typical Morning

Her alarm clock went off that day as it did every morning, to the sound of the Top 20 hits of the day played by a local radio station.
She moved slowly as her body began to wake up; she rolled over, stretching her muscles until she felt sure she would be strong enough to sit up. She turned her T.V. on to a music video, the kind of music video in which half naked girls shook their "junk" around to catch some rappers attention.
She watched the women, half amused half in awe of the women. Perfect bodies. Perfect faces. Perfect hair. Perfect.
She thought about getting up to go brush her teeth before she showered, but decided against it, knowing that she would then risk seeing herself in the mirror at such an early hour. She turned the T.V. off and walked to the bathroom, only looking straight ahead at the shower, not allowing her eyes to wander to the reflection next to her.
In the shower she looked down at her body. Nothing was flat, nothing seemed perfectly smooth the way the video girls' bodies did, and what was flat wasn't meant to be flat. She looked down at her thighs, a part of her body she had always attempted to hide, sighing in disgust as she turned her attention back to the shampoo.
Walking out of the shower, she finally took the chance and looked in the mirror. She regretted this decision almost instantaneously. As she stared at her nose, she thought of the way the kids at school had teased her. She ran her finger along the bump that had made her the victim of so many cruel jokes. She could even still hear the way they had laughed at her as she had tripped, wincing as the memory floated through her mind.
She walked back into her bedroom. She turned the T.V. back on so that she could listen to the music in the background, this time not allowing herself to look too closely at what images played across the screen. She wrapped herself in a robe and stood in front of her mirror.
She considered not putting make up on that day, then without meaning to, glanced at the T.V. A perfect size O girl ran and jumped into a sports car, driving off into the valley of California. Her hair blew in the wind, but in a way that made her look so naturally perfect, the girl could not keep her eyes off the television screen.
She turned around and began to put the first layer of foundation on. An hour later the girl had finished her hair and makeup. She gave herself a last check in the mirror. Disappointed with her hair she avoided looking too far upwards. Her face had become a whole different human being than the one she had seen when she stepped out of the shower. Her nose looked smaller, or at least she imagined it did. Her clothes were layers and patterned to hide the body which she detested so much.
She felt good for a second, but not long enough to begin the day on a positive note. She would never let herself forget the hideous monster she believed she was, both on the outside and more so on the inside. Lame. Ugly. Stupid. Awkward. Annoying. Obnoxious.
And what better way to start the day?
Just a typical morning.

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